Certified Market Maker

Certified Market Maker

Cohort 9


Botcamp's 9th cohort, Certified Market Maker, is a 5-week intensive bootcamp designed to provide hands-on coaching for a small batch of participants to learn the theory and practice of crypto market making.

Participants will learn to design, backtest, configure, and deploy custom market making strategies on using Hummingbot. The cohort culminates in a Demo Day where students present their strategies to earn their professional certification.

Cohort Schedule

  • August 6 - Intro to Market Making: Backtesting and Deploying a Basic Market Making Strategy
  • August 13 - Avellaneda & Stoikov Model: Market Making Theory and How to Manage Inventory Risk and Volatility
  • August 20 - DeFi and AMMs: Staking, Borrowing/Lending and Providing Liquidity to V2/V3 AMM DEXs
  • August 27 - Advanced Topics: Production Deployment, Custom Controllers
  • September 3 - Demo Day: Present your custom strategy to earn certification + NFT!

What You'll Learn

  • Fundamentals of Algo Trading: Understand the basic principles of algorithmic trading and how to use the Hummingbot open source framework to run automated trading strategies (bots)
  • Advanced Market Making Strategies: Dive deep into sophisticated market making strategies applicable to both centralized (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX).
  • Hummingbot V2 Framework: Learn to leverage the new Strategies V2 framework to create, backtest, and deploy market making strategies - no coding required!
  • Running Multiple Bots in Production: Gain hands-on experience with deploying and monitoring trading bots, supported by live sessions and office hours with expert mentors.

3 Botcamp Courses Included ($600 value)

Your registration fee for this cohort includes lifetime access to 3 Botcamp introductory courses: Intro to Algo Trading, Market Making Strategies, and Cross-Exchange Market Making

Office Hours

Starting in week 3 of this cohort, each instructor will hold a weekly Mentor Office Hours session, during which they provide hands-on assistance and answer questions from students. Students may attend any and all Office Hours sessions.

Both Live Session and Office Hours are recorded and posted to the Botcamp platform within 24 hours of each session, enabling students to watch in their own time.


  • Michael Feng: Co-founder of Hummingbot and CoinAlpha, with extensive experience in credit derivatives and financial markets.
  • Federico Cardoso: CTO of Hummingbot Foundation and an expert in machine learning, big data, and high-frequency trading.
  • Hoang La: Long-time Hummingbot community developer and one of the top liquidity miners on Hummingbot Miner

Additional Features

  • Lifetime Access: Students retain lifetime access to all course content, videos, and recordings of live sessions.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with peers and mentors through private Discord channels and build lasting professional connections.
  • Professional Certification: Earn a professional-grade Hummingbot certification upon successful completion of the course.

Check Out What Students Built in Cohort 7

Date & Time
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Start - 8:00 AM (America/Los_Angeles)
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
End - 8:00 AM (America/Los_Angeles)



Join Engineers and Traders from Top Institutions

"Community engagement was a priority for me, so it was nice to be able to make connections with other members."


"Botcamp was a perfect opportunity for me to develop a new skillset, and I have nothing but great feedback on the overall program."


Learn to design and code your own custom strategy

Your Friendly Botcamp Instructors

Michael Feng, Hummingbot Co-founder

Michael co-founded CoinAlpha, the company behind Hummingbot, and wrote the Hummingbot whitepaper in 2019. Previously, he spent 7 years in credit derivatives at JPMorgan and Citigroup, where he structured some of the CDOs featured in The Big Short. Michael lives in California, USA. 

Federico Cardoso, Hummingbot CTO

Federico is the CTO of Hummingbot Foundation. In addition, he teaches Machine Learning and Big Data at the University of Buenos Aires. Previously, he was a quant trader at CTF Capital, a hedge fund that specialized in high-frequency market making. Federico lives in Mar del Plata, Argentina.