200.0 USD 200.00
Responsible Hummingbot Botcamp
Last Update 05/16/2024
Completion Time 5 hours
Members 292
  • Intro to Cross Exchange Market Making
    3Lessons · 31 min
  • Building the XEMM Script
    5Lessons · 1 hr 10 min
    • Designing the XEMM Script
    • Coding the XEMM Script
    • Running the XEMM Script
    • [Quiz] Cross Exchange Market Making
      10 xp
    • [Challenge] Add Rebalancing to XEMM Script
  • Cross Exchange Market Making Demos
    2Lessons · 1 hr 8 min
  • Botcamp Trader Workshops
    3Lessons · 2 hr 11 min
    • Liquidity Mining with Hummingbot
    • Risk Management for Market Makers
    • Performance Attribution and Analysis