Cross Exchange Market Making (XEMM)

Hedging Market Risk on a 2nd Exchange

This advanced 4-hour course delves into cross-exchange market making (XEMM), a sophisticated strategy used to provide liquidity while hedging market risk utilizing a second exchange, combining market making with arbitrage.

Learn the theory behind hedging and learn how to create an bot that provide liquidity while maintaining an automated algorithm that hedges filled orders on a secondary venue, controlling for market risk.


This advanced 4-hour course delves into cross-exchange market making (XEMM), a sophisticated strategy used to capitalize on price discrepancies across different exchanges.

Learn the theory behind hedging and learn how to create an bot that provide liquidity while maintaining an automated algorithm that hedges filled orders on a secondary venue, controlling for market risk.

Through expert-led tutorials, interactive quizzes, and hands-on challenges, participants will gain a thorough understanding of XEMM and how to effectively hedge market risks using the Hummingbot framework.

What You'll Learn

  • Introduction to XEMM: Explore the core concepts of cross-exchange market making, including the keys to successful professional market making.
  • Script Development: Step-by-step guidance on designing, coding, and deploying the XEMM script.
  • Trader Workshops: Participate in specialized workshops focusing on liquidity mining, risk management, and performance analysis, tailored for market makers using Hummingbot.

Course Features

  • Interactive Quizzes: Test your knowledge and earn experience points with quizzes that challenge your understanding of each module.
  • Real-World Challenges: Enhance the XEMM script by adding rebalancing features, pushing your skills to implement functional and responsive trading strategies.
  • Expert Demonstrations: Gain practical insights from live demonstrations that show how theoretical concepts are applied in real trading scenarios.

Your Instructors

Who This Course is For

  • Market makers looking to master advanced cross-exchange strategies.
  • Algorithmic traders interested in leveraging price discrepancies across platforms.
  • Crypto industry professionals and students eager to learn about advanced hedging techniques and market dynamics.

Challenge Yourself

The course culminates with a comprehensive challenge where participants refine the XEMM strategy by incorporating rebalancing mechanics. This task not only tests your ability to adapt and enhance trading scripts but also equips you with a sophisticated strategy that can be employed to manage risks and optimize returns in live trading environments.

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