200.0 USD 200.00
Responsible Hummingbot Botcamp
Last Update 07/03/2024
Completion Time 4 hours 24 minutes
Members 298
  • Intro to Market Making
    6Lessons · 33 min
  • Pure Market Making: A Basic Two-Sided Market Making Strategy
    5Lessons · 1 hr 20 min
    • Designing the Pure Market Making Script
    • Coding the Pure Market Making Script
    • Running the Pure Market Making Script
    • [Quiz] Pure Market Making Script
      10 xp
    • [Challenge] Extend PMM Strategy to Use Order Book Data
  • Avellaneda Market Making: Handling Inventory Risk and Volatility
    7Lessons · 41 min
  • Professional Market Maker Interviews
    3Lessons · 1 hr 50 min
    • Interview with Eugene from 3Jane Capital
    • Interview with Harry Yeh
    • Intro to Liquidity with Jelle from Enclave