200.0 USD 200.00
Responsible Hummingbot Botcamp
Last Update 07/03/2024
Completion Time 4 hours 24 minutes
Members 298
  • Introduction
    2Lessons · 2 min
  • Algo Trading Fundamentals
    5Lessons · 55 min
  • Getting Started with Hummingbot
    4Lessons · 35 min
  • The Hummingbot Codebase
    4Lessons · 42 min
    • Hummingbot Core Components
    • Hummingbot Script Basics
    • Other Hummingbot Components
    • [Quiz] The Hummingbot Codebase
      10 xp
  • Writing Basic Scripts
    4Lessons · 37 min
    • Coding Your First Script
    • Displaying a Custom Status
    • Automating 3 Buy Trades
    • [Quiz] Writing Basic Scripts
      10 xp
  • Building the VWAP Script
    7Lessons · 1 hr 33 min
    • Designing the VWAP Script
    • Coding the VWAP Script
    • Coding the init_vwap Method
    • Creating Orders
    • Placing Orders and Handling Fill Events
    • Customizing Status and Running the Script
    • [Challenge] Extend the VWAP Script